Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name give glory, because of your mercy, because of your truth.
—Psalm 115:1


The future of the church is here.


His Grace,
His Mission,
His Gifts

We launch this campaign not for ourselves. The new building God enables us to create together will serve not ourselves, but our neighbors. The congregations God enables us to start will pass on our confession of the true faith to our children. The Gospel ministers God enables us to equip will serve in the U.S., on the world mission field, and back here in our own mission field of Virginia. We as leaders at Living Hope pray that you will join us generously and joyfully.

The Capital Campaign Committee and Church Council have outlined three goals for Living Hope in the Not Unto Us Campaign.


Goal #1: Triple the Number of Souls Reached

As the Holy Spirit blesses our gospel efforts, the gifts of God’s people at Living Hope will triple the number of souls we reach and nurture personally and corporately in greater Richmond.


Goal #2: Daughter New Congregations

As the Holy Spirit blesses our gospel efforts, our gifts will daughter new congregations, establishing a strong foothold of confessional, evangelical Lutheranism in central Virginia.


Goal #3: Give 10 Percent to Support Worker Training at Martin Luther College

As the Holy Spirit blesses our gospel efforts, God’s people at Living Hope could contribute 10 percent of our gifts to Martin Luther College (MLC) to train a corps of Christian witnesses to meet the ministry needs of our synod in our nation and our world, perhaps even benefiting our own ministry needs in central Virginia.


For Greater Richmond, Central Virginia,
Our Nation & Our World


Thank you for prayerfully considering a gift to
Living Hope’s Not Unto Us Campaign.