Campaign Overview


Launching a building program will be great for us, won’t it? We will enjoy uncrowded classrooms, easier access to parking, greater space to have refreshments after church, a more impressive worship experience, and many other blessings. And won’t accomplishing all of this be great for us to do as a church? Think of what we can do when we share our resources and work together!

But this project is not for us! The focus isn’t on us. Anything that is accomplished is not from us. Even the gifts we will give are not ours. The focus and the accomplishments and the gifts are all his! Not unto us, O Lord, but unto you!

In Psalm 115, the inspired psalmist gives God alone the glory because God alone is worthy of it! The idols that try to take his place are “the work of human hands.” Instead of those worthless idols, the psalmist exhorts God’s people to trust in him since he is our “help” and “shield.” He is the only one who is worthy and trustworthy, so God’s people have the opportunity to serve and praise him alone—on earth for today and in heaven for eternity.

Next: His Grace, His Mission, His Gifts